Lead Time for Orders:
Typically 1-2 weeks.
Our product is shipped via Fed Ex ground. Products can be expedited per customers request again contact info@jensunart.com for any special request
Shipping Errors/Damaged Goods:
You must notify our office of any shipping errors or goods damaged in transit within 7 days of receipt of shipment. We will then send replacement product at no charge upon return of the damaged product. JenSun Art accepts no liability for any loss resulting from the customer’s failure to comply with our carrier’s delivery.
Local Delivery:
We do not offer store pick up. For customers that are 30 miles or less we can arrange a date and time to drop off per customers requests, and shipping will be waived. Please contact us for your Discount Code to Waive Shipping at Checkout and to arrange a date and time.
**For customers 30+ miles we do not offer Local Delivery and shipping rates apply.
Cancellation Policy:
You have 24 hours from time of purchase to cancel any portion of your order, after 24 hours all sales are final. JenSun Art must receive written notice of cancellation within the 24 hour grace period to accept. Email Info@jensunart.com
Return Policy:
All Sales are final.
We only accept credit cards including MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
For orders placed online a Card will be required at time of purchase.